Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Reverse Gearbox

I have been poking around the web looking for a way to add a reverse gear to my project since the motorcycle I am using does not have one built in. I have found some planetary reverse kits for buggies and some for harleys and one for bikes in general. The sets for buggies looks too small as they were advertised for 125cc & 250cc engines. The Harley set is specifically for the Harley, so that's out. The last one is here: and is about $1200. Looks like it might be made from Chevy parts, but I'm not sure.

Here is another page in a blog from Dan Lenox describing how he used the planetary gears out of a C4 transmission to add a reverse drive.

This piqued my interest and I have started doing some research. It looks like it might be possible to get a 1:1 through drive, reverse, about a 30% overdrive and maybe even a granny gear out of this type of a system. Certainly some design challenges, but it looks interesting. I am going to start poking around for a C4 or C5 tranny I can tear down and play with......

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